
Find here the latest news about the ERM.

September 11, 2023

Due to construction work, many train connections between Stuttgart and Tübingen are cancelled! 

If you are planning to take a train from Stuttgart main station to Tübingen, make sure that your connection is available!

For more information, see Transport to Tübingen.

September 10, 2023

Kerstan ERM Poster Awards

We are pleased to announce that the Tistou & Charlotte Kerstan Foundation is sponsoring four Poster Awards with a total of 3,000€.  You can find more details here.


August 30, 2023

The meeting is quickly approaching, and we look forward to welcoming you in Tübingen soon! 

Almost 260 colleagues from 22 countries have registered, with 75% international participants. The shorter talk formats allowed us to accommodate 37 speakers (19 female, 18 male). In addition, nearly 160 posters will be presented, with data from at least 18 species.   

Here are a couple of important points: 

  • To those of you who have submitted an abstract: If you have not received an explicit personal invitation for a talk, your submission is scheduled as a poster presentation
  • Please check out the detailed presentation guidelines for both posters and talks.
  • Poster presenters: You will find in the program/abstract booklet, for which of the two sessions your poster is scheduled, and which poster board is yours.
  • All participants should have received a link to the PDF of the program/abstract booklet. Every participant will receive this booklet also as a hardcopy at the beginning of the meeting.

If you have any questions — also regarding travel, arriving in Tübingen etc. — please contact us (  

June 6, 2023

We are happy to announce that the meeting is fully booked, and we had to close the registration.  

We have received more than 150 abstracts and we expect an exciting meeting. Those of you who submitted an abstract will be contacted towards the end of June regarding the presentation format (short talk or poster).  

If you have any questions, please contact us ( 

We are looking forward to seeing you in Tübingen in September! 

May 10, 2023

We extended the abstract submission deadline to Sunday, May 21, 2023. Please note that a further extension will be difficult for us, as we need the abstracts to finalize the program, that is fill the remaining slots for talks.

If you are registered and have received the registration confirmation email, you should get another email with the link to the abstract submission form. If you do not receive that link within a day, please contact us via email ( The online registration stays open until the meeting capacity has been reached.

April 2, 2023

The online registration is now open!
For important deadlines, see General Information.

March 7, 2023

Thanks to 18 excellent speakers, who accepted our invitation, we were able to put together an exciting program – including sessions such as “Retinal Circuit Functions”, “From the Retina to the Brain”, “Primate Retina”, “Disease & Restoration”, and ” Vision across Species”. Note that the remaining slots (tba) as well as one session will be filled from abstract submissions. 

Registration will open on March 31, 2023. 

Please stay tuned!